Living in Harmony and Abundance

We live knowing that none of us can thrive until all of us thrive.

Guided by cooperation, equity, and sustainability, our needs for food, clean air and water, education, healthcare, space, and time can be met when we make choices for the mutual well-being of people and the planet.

Self-Reflection & Conversation

What is a gift that you bring to others naturally just by being yourself? What is a story of sharing your gift in community/family?

Community Practices

Gather neighbors, coworkers, or community members to share a meal and tell stories.

  • Tell stories about times when you had (or witnessed) a feeling of abundance and small daily acts of interdependence in a group or community. What made that possible? What would you like to emulate?
  • As a group or community make time to reflect on and appreciate the gifts and strengths each person brings and the group as a whole. Think about what would help these gifts and strengths emerge more fully.

“In our wholeness we are many branches of one family, one community; One people with many roots.”

We Choose All of Us Poetic Vision